Last Updated on March 28, 2024

What are Site Influences? | Real Estate Definition

By Alan F Macdonald

What Are Site Influences?

In real estate, site influences are things that affect a property (the site), usually in a positive way. Since there isn’t always room to list these influences in a description on a real estate listing, there is a field on a listing where these can go. Site influences can be on the property itself, or nearby.

Real Estate Agent Explains Site Influences

Site influences can be anything from private airstrip to a paved lane to a lake view or nearby shopping. Almost anything can affect a property’s value in reality, but there are only 60 site influences available for real estate agents to choose from to describe a property. It should be noted that site influences do not actually have to be on the property itself, but they may be. For example, a fruit tree would likely be located on a property, but a public swimming pool would not be. Amenities, on the other hand, are things that are specifically included on the property itself.

Some abbreviations can be really confusing, so if you’re ever wondering what one of them means, check out this chart. These are the site influences that you might see on an MLS listing:


Site Influence MLS Abbreviation
Private Air Strip AIR/S
Beach Access BEACC
Backs Onto Lake BLAKE
Backs Onto Park/Trees BTREE
Boating BOAT
Commercial COMM
Corner CORNR
Crossed Fenced CRFEN
Crown Rights CROWN
Cul-De-Sac CULD
Environmental Reserve ENVIR
Fenced FENCE
Flat Site FLAT
Fruit Trees/Shrubs FRUIT
Vegetable Garden GARDN
Gated Community GATED
Golf Nearby GOLF
Handicap Access HCAP
Hillside HSIDE
Back Lane LANE
Paved Lane LANEP
Level Land LEVEL
Lake Access Property LKACC
Landscaped LNSCA
Low Maintenance Landscape LNSCL
Partially Landscaped LNSCP
Not Fenced N-FNC
Not Landscaped N-LSC
No Back Lane NLANE
No Stones NOSTN
No Through Road NTHRU
Park/Reserve PARK
Playground Nearby PLAY
Stream/Pond POND
Public Swimming Pool POOLP
Private Setting PRIV
Private Fishing PRIVF
Race Track RACE
Recreation Use RECRE
See Remarks REMKS
River View RIVER
Rolling Land ROLL
Ravine View RVINE
Schools SCHLS
Shopping Nearby SHOP
Ski Hill SKI
Sloping Lot SLOPE
Stones STONE
Subdividable Lot SUBDV
Public Transportation TRANS
Treed Lot TREED
River Valley View VALLY
View City VCITY
View Downtown VDWNT
View Lake VLAKE
View Mountain VMTN
Water Front WTRFR


You can see how many options there are to choose from. Now, almost no property has a private race track, but almost every one has schools nearby (at least in Edmonton, anyway). Frequently influences will be left out because there are too many to list, but the most important or valuable ones should be listed. I can’t imagine a piece of real estate that has no site influences at all, so the entry “none” likely never applies.

Why does It Matter?

If you are looking for a property with a view of downtown Edmonton, you may actually limit a search to listings with this in the site influences field. This could be a very quick way to narrow down your search. If your home is for sale, these are advertising tools to show how wonderful your home is and may help you attract just the right kind of buyer. Because these fields are standardized and searchable, they are much more useful than something simply written in a descriptive paragraph. Next time you see a listing, check out the site influences, you might be surprised at what a property has to offer.

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