What Does RF2 Zoning Mean?
RF2 is a residential Edmonton real estate zoning regulation for houses and duplexes. It is often used to permit new home that are higher density than the original plan (like duplexes) to be built on older lots.
The minimum lot size for an RF2 zoned lot is 360m² (3875 ft²) for single family homes and 300m² (3229 ft²) for duplexes or semi-detached homes.

Real Estate Agent Explains RF2 Zoning
All real estate in Edmonton has a zoning code. Some larger lots in older neighbourhoods have plenty of room for a duplex and if the zoning is changed from RF1 to RF2, then a duplex can sometimes be built in the area. RF2 zoning is not a very common zoning in Edmonton.
Other permitted uses are the same as RF1 zoning, like allowing for limited group homes, minor home businesses, secondary suites (like an in-law suite) and some signage for a business.
Discretionary uses are things like child care services, garage suites, garden suites, group homes, major home businesses (where people come and go often from the home), religious assemblies, sales centres (for selling real estate), row housing, and different signage. These discretionary uses are not as easy to get permission for, though. The main reason to have RF2 zoning is to be able to build a house or a duplex on the land.
At the time of writing there are just over 50 properties that are zoned RF2 for sale in Edmonton on MLS. More information on RF2 zoning is available from the City of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw website.
Why Does It Matter?
If you are planning on developing a parcel of land, you need to know if your planned construction fits with the zoning bylaw. Always check zoning when purchasing property, and when planning a redevelopment.
(Zoning is not a searchable field on the public MLS system. If you’re looking for RF2 zoned properties, please give me a call or contact me online, and I can provide you with a list of all the Edmonton real estate zoned RF2 available today – it’s just a quick search for me)